Let it rain

“Into each life some rain must fall” – H.W. Longfellow.
Through the looking glass | www.anirbansaha.com
There is just something about the sight, sounds and smell of raindrops falling from the sky that appeals to the senses more than any other natural phenomenon ever can. Rains make you realize the wealth of emotions that you carry. Rains make you introspect and retrospect, and bring you closer to understanding yourself. Put very simply, rains make you happy.
After braving the tumultuous heat of the Great Indian Summer, the rains come with a cathartic appeal – helping you transcend your dilapidated state both physically and mentally. The rains are nature’s way of asking you to let go. Let go of the soggy grimness that accompanied your summer. Let go of the exhaustion in your mind and in your limbs. Let go of your inhibitions and rise again, for the rains have washed away the sorrows of yesterday.
Feel the tingling beauty of a raindrop on your eye. Picture : Saikat Bhadra
On a personal note, rains are what I had been waiting for, even as I saw the mercury rise to over forty-one degrees. The exalting pleasure of playing football in the rain remains unparalleled. Just the sheer happiness in feeling the skies open up to bathe me in the purest form of water, brings with it a sensation of glory, of oneness with the world around me. For in the rain, everyone is equally exposed – the leaves of the trees around me, the grass beneath my feet, the person standing next to me. The downpour reminds me of her, and I seem to fall in love all over again. The rains bring people together in a harmonious rebellion, much like the clouds – taking over my spirit, rejuvenating my thoughts.
Rain is a mode of psychological cleansing. Our negativity is drained out and washed away along with the first shower of heavy droplets. The rains are about overcoming the brazen intensity of summer, the melancholy of dark overcast skies, and the decadence of barren lifelessness. The rains signal a fresh beginning, a new life with new enthusiasm and infused vigour.
Calcutta after a heavy downpour. Picture : Saikat Bhadra

So pay heed to the cry of nature. This time, get out of your sundry houses and feel the rain wash off your fears. Feel the coolness of a drop of water on your face, a drop on your open palm. This time, set yourself free – as free as the birds that chirp in celebration of the onset of monsoons. Feel the water gently kiss your skin. Feel the liberation of dancing amidst raindrops. Feel the pleasure of looking into her rain-soaked eyes, and finding love. Above all, feel happy. That’s what its all about.
An overcast Calcutta evening. Picture: Rupsha Bhadra.

Pictures: Anirban Saha (www.anirbansaha.com)
              Saikat Bhadra and Rupsha Bhadra